We are Staying!

Well, it has been 6 months since Jessy and I came to Thailand and it has been an incredible journey. We have been so grateful for you love and support.
After completing media light Jessy and I have been asked to serve as coordinators for Emerge Children’s Ministries. We are extending our time in Thailand to another 2 years and we couldn’t be more excited. We hope and pray that you will continue to stand by us during this time.

Our main responsibility will be to raise funds for the 4 existing ministries operating out of 3 nations and to be the ministers of encouragement to the leaders. These include:

  1. Bahn Zion Orphanage (Thailand)
  2. Palm Branch Children’s Home (Thailand)
  3. Side Walk Sunday School (Philippines)
  4. New Life Orphanage (Myanmar)
During this time we have also been taking Thai lessons. Last Friday marked our 7th week and thanks to our incredible teacher, Kru (thai for teacher) Ploy, we have already learned how to read and write. Our lessons going forward will be focused on conversation and building our vocabulary.


We have also been given another opportunity to serve. A missionary couple, Heidi and John, who work with Destiny Rescue; a global Christian ministry focused on rescuing children from human trafficking. Their farm serves as a place of healing and therapy for the children who have been rescued. They will be flying back to Australia for two months in order to continue their fund raising and have asked us to look after the farm until they return.

We were especially blessed recently by a visit from Ben’s parents, who were able to spend two weeks with us here in Thailand. There was even an added bonus when Jessica (Ben’s sister) came out from behind Mum and Dad. It was so special to be able to share this experience with our family.

After they had left, Jessy and I were inspired to try something new. We know you may never be able to fly half way around the world and see this country with your own eyes but we want you to experience Thailand in a way that simply can’t be done through words. So, Jessy and I have decided to begin a video blog that will be attached to all our news letters going forward.

Our greatest hope is that you develop a deep connection to the Thai people and to the work that God is doing here.

We were unable to attach it to this email but our first video will soon be arriving in your inbox shortly after this one has been sent. Hope you enjoy!

We love you!

Jessy and Ben

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